Custom Payroll Solutions

Single Member LLC
If you are the owner of a Single-Member LLC filing as an S-Corp and you perform services for the business, you are considered an employee. The IRS requires that you be reasonably compensated in the form of W-2 wages. What’s reasonable compensation for you? We work with tax professionals that can help determine that magic number. If you take no W-2 wage at all you could be in danger of losing the tax benefits of the S-Corp.

Small Business
If you have 1-49 employees, you are considered a small business. We understand what it’s like to be a small business, because we’re one too. Let us take care of your payroll and compliance, leaving you with more time to dedicate to the operation, growth and success of your business.

Fully Custom Solution
We have the ability and flexibility to fully customize a payroll plan that works for your specific needs, at a reasonable cost. We’ll work with you to find the best solution and get you on the path to success. We are a local firm meaning when you need to talk to someone we will be there.